Runes of magic forum arcadia
Runes of magic forum arcadia

  1. #Runes of magic forum arcadia series
  2. #Runes of magic forum arcadia free

May not be reproduced in any commercial way. :: :: :: :: * Pentagon's Biggest Secret - A conversation with Nick Cook.

#Runes of magic forum arcadia series

Our shows are chronologically arranged in different series collected in separate playlists. Subscribing to our website () gives you direct access to all shows before public release + various bonus & backstage clips. Please consider supporting our work and help cover costs by donating, subscribing to our channel, liking & sharing our posts. :: :: :: :: All programs are gratis & listener funded.

runes of magic forum arcadia

Jacques Vallée's shocking proof that UFO Close Encounters are all STAGED!.

#Runes of magic forum arcadia free

Hear his journey thru the classified black world, probing such topics as: Was the Škoda Works of the 3rd Reich their Skunk Works? Where did General Hans Kammler end up? What happened to the promising Free Energy & Anti-Gravity research of the 50s? Why's rotation so crucial? Are UAP's anthropogenic & could crashes be terrestrial tech? Do insiders use coded lingo for exotic tech? What wonder weapon did Hitler wait for? + Learn Dr. Public awareness of Die Glocke (Nazi Bell) came 20 years ago with our guest's hunt for Zero Point as presented in his innovative book. * Guest: Director & Producer Stacy James Fry (​). :: :: :: :: * Mystics of the Maya (Part 2 of 3: The Sundance Kids) - A conversation with Stacy James Fry. Was there relations between Egypt & Maya? Did they have a concept of Zero? What's the Sundance ritual? Why's academia ignoring the ancient calendar? Is El Mirador pyramid the world's largest? Are there 100's of buried cities? Why were city states built on top of cave systems? Why & how did their civilization collapse? How come Maya were never conquered? Were they into time travel? Who were the Olmecs? Why did the Pope look for Christ in the new world? Was El Dorado a disinfo campaign? Could the next cataclysm be an EMP? + Since we do 6h on the subject, we indulge a detour into analysing the book market, like: is there more or less readers today? :: :: :: :: All programs are gratis & listener funded. * Guest: Professor Joseph Patrick Farrell () * Recorded: 09 July 2018 * Bumper music used with cordial permission from © * This Program is part of our first series called TIMELINE OF A BREAKAWAY CIVILIZATION ()

runes of magic forum arcadia

Hess?) - A conversation with Joseph Farrell * © Forum Borealis. :: :: :: :: * The Hess Mess Enigma (Part 1 of 3: Who are you Mr.

runes of magic forum arcadia

Some topics raised: Why did the Hess case go silent? Why is he almost erased from history? Why did the worst war criminals go free? How is German unification & EU expansion related? Why did they never release him? Was he the brain of the party? How is Dulles & Bormann involved? What influence did Haushofer & Thule have? How's Goring & Hess tied to Antarctica? Why did Goring cover for the Scotland flight? Was Bormann the Soviet Spy? And hear how Al got radiation poisoning. Inspired by the great book of Picknett & Prince, the Forum Professor has examined the Hess mystery further & elaborates on these issues that we briefly touched in an early show.

Runes of magic forum arcadia